

GPC helps you to reduce expenses with water, electricity and gas in your condominium quickly, simply and without the need for investment.

A ferramenta de inspeção essencial para a economia do seu condomínio.

Já proporcionamos uma economia de mais de 20.370.000 litros de água em ambientes condominiais.

How it works?


Os equipamentos de medição já presentes no seu condomínio são cadastrados na plataforma pela GPC de acordo com as áreas que serão monitoradas. (Hidrômetro geral e/ou por apartamentos).


Faça a coleta de dados dos seus equipamentos em ciclos de 24h, escaneando seu medidor com a câmera do seu celular ou digitando os valores na plataforma. (Para apartamentos,  apenas uma vez por mês).


A partir dos dados inseridos, a plataforma gera dashboards, gráficos e indicadores que lhe ajudam a tomar atitudes corretivas e preventivas. (Relatório de gestão e cobrança individualizada).


Com uma visão ampla do seu perfil de consumo, antecipe ações e evite desperdícios desnecessários de água, energia e gás. (Atuação nos apartamentos de maior consumo).


Receba alertas por e-mail ou via WhatsApp sobre variações de consumo acima de 10%.


Multiplatform system that can be accessed from any device.


Generate consumption reports directly from the platform.

Monitore Apartamentos

Now on the GPC platform it is possible to monitor water and gas individually in each apartment in your building. Try it free for one month!

Estamos presentes em 7 dos 9 estados da região Nordeste.


Condomínios atendidos


Apartamentos em atendimento

Focused on Results

Our solution is aimed at reducing expenses with water, energy and gas in the short term.


Out-of-the-box installation and easy data entry and reading for everyday use

Customized Environment

Monitor the necessary equipments and environments for the result that you want.

Low Cost

Have monitored and controlled environments from affordable plans with zero installation cost.


GPC promotes management on a customizable platform. We are a startup focused on monitoring and controlling consumption and waste of water, energy and gas in condominium environments.

There is no installation cost. GPC uses the existing equipment in your condominium (water meters, energy and gas meters).

With the GPC platform you can monitor water, electricity, electricity on demand, natural gas and LPG supply, artesian wells, blocks, green areas, swimming pools and even apartments.

A GPC não realiza serviços de instalação de medidores, pois, fazemos o monitoramento dos hidrometros e medidores de gás já instalados pelas construtoras (Lei dos Hidrômetros), proporcionando cobranças justas através de relatórios individualizados.

The installation and registration of the equipment takes up to 24 hours and you can start tracking the consumption data of your equipment right after installation.

NO! So far, GPC does not carry out maintenance activities or check for leaks, as it does not have an operational team. Our work is about monitoring, control and alerts to avoid surprises at the end of each measurement cycle of the concessionaires.

Through daily monitoring you prevent anomalies from propagating for long periods, thus avoiding large expenses at the end of the measurement cycle.

We have a knowledge trail available to help you avoid waste!

NO! Consumption reduction results depend on analysis of consumption data and their respective variations with identification of causes. The manager needs to act on the causes: carry out corrective and preventive actions.

For apartments that already have water meters and gas meters installed, GPC provides a platform for registering these equipments, which receives manual data entry or via image and does all the calculation of consumption and expenses individually. We reinforce that GPC does not install water or gas meters or perform individualization. We operate in already individualized environments.



R$ 150 ,00


R$ 150 ,00
+R$1 for apartment


R$ 150 ,00

+R$3 for apartment


R$ 150 ,00

+R$5 for apartment

Bonus for over 100 apartments